Pro2col are incredibly fortunate to call the gorgeous Dorset coast home. We socialise on the beach. We head out for walks along the coastline. Our family and friends live by the water. And we love it. Which is why every year we run an annual beach clean - a team effort to do our bit to keep this part of the world as beautiful and pristine as we can.
And this year we're inviting you to join in!
Working with the Marine Conservation Society we're putting on not one, but two beach cleans this year. The first clean, on 29 July is located at Mudeford sandbank - a favourite location for our team to relax after a hard quarter.
Then in late September we're heading back to the shoreline for a post-summer holidays clean-up on Solent Beach.
The Pro2col team will be out in force, together with representatives from our partners, suppliers and clients.
Sign up for the 29th July beach clean here.
Sign up for the 20th September beach clean here.
These events form part of our commitment to The Global Goals for Sustainable Development and the Support the Goals Initiative. From planting trees to recycling crisp packets check out how we're making our world a better place to live.

Further Reading: