FileCatalyst is a hyper-fast solution to secure file transfer. Reliably send very large file sizes,
in any format, at full line speed, anywhere.
What is Fortra's FileCatalyst?
FileCatalyst is a hyper-fast file transfer solution that significantly outperforms FTP through the reliable transfer of very large data, anywhere.
Send any file size or format, at full line speed, knowing that it will reach it's endpoint. Due to its incredible performance, FileCatalyst is a go-to solution for file transfer in the film and broadcast industry.
An Award-Winning Solution
Maintain Scalability, Improve Efficiency and Remove Delay
An Accelerated Enterprise Fast File Transfer Solutions
Big Data Transport and Sync
Large-File Sharing
Transfer Management
Any Bit-Rate Streaming
Hybrid Cloud Workflows
Secure Asset Exchange
Who Uses FileCatalyst?
Film Studios
A solution needs to be reliable, and file transfers are time-sensitive. Slow or unreliable file transfer is just not an option, as it could potentially cost millions.
With this in mind, many film studios have turned to FileCatalyst as their go-to file transfer solution.

Video Game Studios


Ultimate Managed File Transfer Software Tools Guide

What Makes FileCatalyst Unique?
FileCatalyst vs FTP
FileCatalyst uses a TCP Control connection just like FTP, but the data is sent via UDP to provide acceleration and immunity to latency and packet loss on a network. FileCatalyst uses SSL for control connection and AES for UDP data transfers.
FileCatalyst vs TFTP
Unlike TFTP, FileCatalyst sends many blocks of data at once to maximize bandwidth. It also incorporates many custom commands for dynamic bandwidth control, checkpoint restarting, MD5 checksum verification, compression, file attributes transmission and sending many small files over a single data channel by auto archiving small files into a single archive. FileCatalyst was designed for bulk data transfer and bandwidth optimization over long distance networks.

“Pro2col technical consultants delivered an excellent help desk experience, fast and helpful, enabling us to resolve our issue.”

Michael Hooper
Head of Operations
““Pro2col is a highly valued Certified Partner. The team includes three Certified Technicians who have exceptional product knowledge and experience. Pro2col is known worldwide for their industry expertise and are true thought leaders in the secure and managed file transfer market.””

Melissa O'Leary
EMEA North Partner Manager, HelpSystems
Looking for a Better Fit
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Pro2col has you covered! We support a wide range of the leading file transfer and collaboration software solutions.