SharePoint File Sharing Advice & Pitfalls
Having worked with file transfer and document automation solutions for a number of years; we have noted a number of common themes or trends which tend to rear their heads over and over again.
One such example is disappointing experience of using of Microsoft SharePoint for file and document sharing.
It is no surprise that organisations look to leverage the Microsoft solution stack, particularly if they have an active Office 365 or Azure subscription.
However, we have found that in most cases, the shortcomings in the solution make it a little difficult to use for the purpose of sharing and consuming files.
Here are just 5 of the more common challenges some of our customers and contacts encounter.
1. No Support for File Transfer Protocols Such as SFTP
Microsoft SharePoint utilises HTTP or HTTPS as its sole mechanism for uploading, accessing and downloading files.
This is fine when interacting with a handful of files at a time.
How about when you are synchronising entire data stores; sharing hundreds of files at a time with a third-party; working with an automated legacy system; or migrating from an on-premise SharePoint to the cloud?
SFTP can make all of these scenarios a breeze.
2. SharePoint is Notorious for Hidden Costs
If you have ever worked with SharePoint before, you will know that there is no real out-of-the box build.
Administrators have to create libraries, customise permissions, add third-party integrations and define a whole manner of settings, which they might have to attend training to fully understand.
...that is all if you decide not to get outside help!
We have come across many a SharePoint project which just stops at a point of "good enough".
3. It is Not Mobile Friendly
For a long time, SharePoint did not have a mobile app.
Attracting much criticism.
With the release of SharePoint online and Microsoft finally embracing the mobile world, which they had a hand in creating, one now exists.
However, take a look at any of the major app store marketplaces and you will see that there are some significant flaws.
For example, to view a file stored in SharePoint, you also need to download the OneDrive app. The SharePoint app appears only to be able to list files and has no capability to view them itself.
SharePoint also has a feature known as views, which act as pre-defined or saved filters for folders.
This feature is not available in the mobile app.
4. No More than 5000 Files Per Folder
SharePoint has a limit of 5000 files per folder. You can continue to create sub-folders, which brings the cumulative total up but you can never have more than 5000 at one folder level.
This might be a challenge for some larger organisations; or those who are working with very large quantities of files as part of automated workflows.
This is further compounded by the SharePoint search functionality becoming increasingly poorer as your document library gets larger and larger.
This is a well known issue with SharePoint indexing.
5. Document Libraries Do Not Display the Full Breadcrumb
It might sound like we are splitting hairs here.
But when you consider shortcoming number 4, the potential for having a complex array of sub-folders with a variety of depths becomes quite possible.
Now think about wanting to move backward two or three levels...
...suddenly the navigation of SharePoint becomes inefficient and somewhat clunky.
How Can MOVEit Transfer Help?
MOVEit Transfer is a managed file transfer solution, specially designed to move large files and large quantities of files, smoothly and securely.
In comparison to the 5 shortcomings highlighted above, MOVEit Transfer has the following features:
- Support for HTTPS, HTTP, SFTP, FTP/S, FTP, AS1, AS2 and AS3 protocols.
- An average time to deploy of around 24-hours.
- A full mobile client with upload, access, delete, share and download capabilities.
- No file size or quantity limit, unless configured otherwise.
- A full breadcrumb menu for easy navigation.
Plus much more..
If you would like to learn more about MOVEit Transfer; and how it is being used by tens of thousands of customers worldwide. Book a call with one of our product specialists today.

Further Reading: