Why Businesses Are Adopting Cloud Solutions for Secure File Transfer

Storing sensitive files and personal data in the cloud can be a touchy topic for some, keeping even the most seasoned information security leader or data protection officer awake at night. Although, despite what the humble salmon teaches us about swimming against the tide, it is hard to fight against the unstoppable trend towards cloud adoption.
In the earlier days of cloud usage, cloud services were rather benign, from a security perspective. Web based email, social media and the odd personal storage location. Focussed more on the consumer, the security industry could dismiss their application inside corporate networks as merely an aspect of shadow IT.
Widespread Cloud Adoption
Today, cloud adoption has become far more widespread and almost ubiquitous in its application in businesses. As cloud solution providers have matured, so have their security credentials, opening up the possibility of running entire network infrastructures in cloud environments. Not immune to this trend is managed file transfer or any file transfer activity.
From the likes of Dropbox to OneDrive, there is a greater demand for both secure mechanisms of sharing sensitive documents and data; and conducting it with a small network footprint, otherwise referred to as cloud based.
In this blog post we will take a look at five reasons why cloud based managed file transfers are equal, if not more superior to, their on-premise counterparts.
Cloud Based Managed File Transfer
High levels of availability and redundancy - Cloud providers often live and die by their up-time statistics and SLAs (Service Level Agreements). Often implementing and configuring highly redundant systems to avoid outage. The level of redundancy will usually exist at multiple layers such as network load balancing, multiple applications, multiple databases and dual hardware. Replicating this inside your own network is going to be costly to license and maintain.
Flexible licensing and usage - Installing swathes of hardware or software into your network, configuring and maintaining it is a huge commitment; which leaves you in a tough position should you wish to seek an alternative down the line. Cloud based managed file transfer services are typically more plug and play; and benefit from monthly or yearly based subscriptions. Both, much easier to scrap should you need to.
Upgrades and maintenance are covered - Sometimes unconsidered is the effective maintenance cost of general administration and subsequent costs of technical support and upgrades, of an on-site solution. The benefit for cloud based managed file transfer solutions are that they will include dedicated and trained resources provided by the cloud provider themselves, for these very purposes..
Stronger cybersecurity controls - Some may disagree with this based on some of the high-profile breaches suffered in the past. However, cloud providers are often both a larger target for attacks and are heavily scrutinised by their customers, usually far in excess of their own capabilities, when selecting a solution. Reputation and money are huge motivators which has led to cloud solution providers to spend significant sums on being the hardest to breach.
More attainable - Small and medium sized businesses struggle with needing to use strong managed file transfer solutions but not having the budget, buying power or need for solutions with larger footprints. Cloud based managed file transfer solutions open up much smaller companies to services and features which were simply unattainable previously.
Ipswitch MOVEit Transfer Cloud
Since the release of MOVEit Transfer Cloud edition for European customers, not a day goes by where cloud based managed file transfer is not asked about. As the industry veteran at 15 years old; and considered to be the securest managed file transfer solution on the market, MOVEit Transfer Cloud has been gaining a significant amount of interest.
From its basic use as an SFTP/FTP server, to its packages feature which allows the sending of one-usage download links in emails. Progress MOVEit Transfer Cloud has universal application.
Features include:
- 99.9% uptime and 2 hour SLAs.
- High levels of redundancy.
- Tamper-evident database for undisputable auditing.
- Encryption at rest using AES 265 bit FIPS 140-2 level 2 encryption.
- Integrity checking on all transferred files.
- Antivirus scanning.
and much more...
If you would like to learn more about Progress MOVEit Transfer Cloud and how you could use the solution, click here to book a demonstration.

Further Reading: